Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tag, You're It!
Sara of, who is a good friend of mine (no, I don't have any bad friends, I just mean I really like her!) tagged me for a meme. This is a "six random things about me" meme, so get ready to be shocked! Who am I kidding, I'm not that interesting!

Okay, here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post. (I could only come up with 5 that didn't already get tagged or aren't a boy cuz boys don't do meme's).
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.

That's it. Let the fun begin...

1.Probably my favorite thing to do right now is to sew. I am going to the fabric store tomorrow to pick out patterns and fabric for Halloween costumes and I am so excited! Weird, since I did not even know how to sew a year ago!

2. I love learning new skills. This last year I started playing piano at church, sewing (as mentioned above), put in a new floor complete with trim on the first floor and even put a tile backsplash in my kitchen. Now I am seriously interested in learning how to make doll furniture. Anyone know how?

3.I am reading a Nicholas Sparks book right now (The Guardian). It's pretty good so far, the last one (The Choice) made me bawl! Darn you Nicholas Sparks!

4.I have been going on bike rides every morning around a local lake and I love it! It's my mental break/prayer time. What am I going to do in the winter, lose my mind??

5.I feel incredibly blessed by the female relationships that I have. I have the BEST sister, sister-in-laws, step mom, mother-in-law, friends, etc. ever!!

6.This will not come as a surprise but I love Disney World! There is truly something magical about that place. I will never for the rest of my life understand anyone who does not feel the same!

There! I did it. I hope it was random enough! Now let's see if I can get a few bloggers to play along!


Hannah said...

I'm game! My post is up. :)
Oh, and it's encouraging to hear that you learned to sew less than a year ago and now you're making Halloween costumes! I'm really wanting to learn to sew; perhaps that will be one of my winter projects.

Cassady's said...

I would play, but I don't know anyone that has a blog!