Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 3

We've been having lots and lots of fun in Virginia! This morning, we played outside on the trampoline and climbed a few trees. We then went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch (yum yum!) with Brendan. The kids had the play area to themselves and had a great time playing with Brendan.
My nephew David
My nephew Chase

This afternoon we made homemade grape jelly. It was not nearly as messy as I thought it would be! It was actually really fun! Here is Kate and my nephew BlakeMy nephew Tanner

Good night little buddies!


Molly said...

These pictures just melt my heart. He is a darling little boy and looks like he is already part of your family. You are in our prayers!!!

Jean said...

What a sweet little boy!! Glad to hear things are going good:)

mmartin said...

Cute kids!

odd dotty said...

Hey Becky! I have tagged you for a meme! I hope you play!!